These days, you need to make every bag of yeast count! So here is an easy recipe for Hazelnut bread.

I use the pizza dough recipe of my bread machine and add about 100g of pieces of hazelnuts once it’s already a bit mixed.
- 0.5 teaspoon of sugar
- 1.5 teaspoon of salt
- 1 table spoon of oil (I used rapeseed oil)
- 300 ml of water
- add on top of this 600g of flour (I use any flour really….)
- and finally 1 bag of yeast
Pizza programme. Mine lasts 45 min. After about 5 to 10min I add the hazelnuts pieces.
Once the programme is finished, use a bit of flour on the dough so it doesn’t stick and lay it on a tray covered with baking paper
Leave to rise for an hour in a warm place, or in the oven at about 30ºC
Bake for 30min (might be more, or less depending on your oven) at 210ºC. Enjoy!

Tip: if it’s over baked, put in cloth as soon as it’s out of the oven so some moister goes back in.