This is something I used to do at kids parties: do your own ice cream.
No need for a fancy machine, just two ingredients.

You need:
- 600ml of whipping cream
- one tin of condensed milk
- ingredients to add to the base
Create the base
It’s really simple, whip the cream, make sure you don’t do it for too long so it doesn’t become butter (it should just become thicker). Add the condensed milk and mix slowly with a spoon. That’s your base done.
Be creative
You can add any ingredient now. I’ve used pieces of digestive with jam today. You can add chocolat spread, or melted chocolate and roasted nuts, or peanut butter (dilute it a little) and pieces of peanut butter cups, various berries, various pieces of biscuits, caramel etc …
Don’t mix too much, it will look nicer.
Be patient
That’s the tough part …. put in the freezer and try to wait for 4 hours. That’s it.
Kids parties
Not sure this is ideal in a COVID context as you’ll be sharing ingredients probably. But I used to have them create their own little pot of ice cream at the start, only allowed 2 ingredients to avoid crazy ideas.

Later they would come to make their own pizza (I have a bread machine, pizza dough programme):
- one already spread ball of dough each
- they add the tomato sauce
- add some cheese
- add ingredients they pick: ham, olives, goat cheese, mushrooms (some kids do like it!), pieces of peppers, chorizo for example (but no corn – too far!)
- sprinkle some oregano (dangerous step)
This can still be ok with COVID as it will cooked at high temperature (?).