I’ve just finished a lego set I had bought myself for Christmas: the typewriter, and today I was looking online for images of old sets I had as a kid from the 70s. This might bring back memories to others too.
The typewriter
It was a really good set, I’ve enjoyed making all the little components and then putting them together. It was also the first time I was using lego blocks horizontally as well as vertically.

It moves like a real one but doesn’t work and you don’t have the little chime when you’ve reached the end of the line which would have been a great addition. I guess not getting my hand dirty with the ink ribbon is a plus though. It brought back memories of an orange toy one I was playing with as a kid.
The photo is not it but probably pretty close to what I had at the time.

This is a time where I was playing with other games like Anatomie 2000 (French name for that set), or Simon, but soon after, all I was going to ask for as presents was going to be music related like my first Sony DD walkman.

Lego – lego – lego
Before I turned to music as a teenager, all I wanted was lego sets. I had the ‘girly’ ones where you do a room of the house: the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room.

The characters’ arms could fold in different ways at the time. But the instructions look very similar to those we have today from what I can see:

I also had sets which were aimed at letting you do whatever you wanted like this one:

But the best ones were the train sets. I got more and more over the years and could make a pretty decent track and town around it.
I think this is the train I had:

But then I got more and more, I could do an 8 shape, move up some tracks and make a bridge, and I had a railway crossing as well like the one below:

I remember this as well, which would let me increase the speed, away from the set:

So over all I probably had something like that:

I remember this thing below as well (whatever it’s called). I created different vehicles with that. I think later I had a kit with a little engine and cogs where I could make things move in various directions.

This made me think of another game: Spirographe (with an extra e in French 😉 ), There is an online version you can use if you want.
OK, I’ll stop with the nostalgia here. I hope this post brought back some good memories if you are from the 70s too.