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Looking at this blog in 2023

  • Blog
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Last time I wrote about the blog itself was in August 2021. For anyone curious, here is a peek behind the scenes.

As explained before in “How this blog is doing“, I have Jetpack, a plugin on WordPress which provides me with some stats for free. Some are useful, some not so much. Like the ‘All-time Highlights’ telling me that my best hour is 2pm and my best day is Friday. Not sure what I’m supposed to do with this. I have 0 comment which is not a big surprise as I disabled them 😉

all time highlight dashboard showing that my most popular day was this year, the 6 February with 154 views, and my all time views is 16k and in terms of visitors it's 11k
All-time highlights via the Jetpack plugin

Number of readers

People often assume I have a lot of readers. It depends on what you mean by ‘a lot’.

I don’t know how many people actually read my blog posts. I have stats about ‘views’ which is not the same as people actually reading. On Medium, I had both stats and quite often, the number of ‘reads’ was half or even a third of the ‘views’.

You know yourself: you sometime land on a page (= 1 view) and immediately think: “nah, I’m not reading this!” or read a bit and realise it’s too long or not what you thought you were going to read. So not all viewers become readers.

table showing the number of views per years, and per months since 2019. There are about 2.3k in 2020, 3.6k in 2021, a bit more in 2022 and 6.8k in 2023. With a maximum of view in February this year with 1.1k
Number of views, per month since the start of the blog in December 2019

I had more views this year than the previous years, with a peak in February, where I posted 3 times: two posts to gather resources (about power and facilitation) and one where I was reflecting on changing job again …. My posting is very irregular. This will be the 11th post this year.

How people reach my blog

I gave up on subscribing tools because they were either unnecessarily complex or were adding tracking which I didn’t want. Instead, I ‘manually’ maintain the list of people who gets notified when I write a new post. I have 8 people on that list, that’s all.

Everyone else could be aware of the post when I mention it on LinkedIn, usually just once. I’m not on Twitter anymore, and left Facebook long ago. I don’t post about my blog on Mastodon and I’m not really enjoying Bluesky that much so don’t post much there either. People might also subscribe to the RSS feed.

referrers table, showing 3.3k are coming via search engines, 800 via LinkedIn, 240 via Medium, 210 via android devices which is mostly LinkedIn again, and 44 via my portfolio website
Stats for 2023, showing the top referrers

People mostly found my blog via search engine (3000+) and LinkedIn. A small number found me from my portfolio website (44). The rest are mentions of a post on other websites for example.

Where are the people accessing my blog

In 2023, like the previous years, most people accessing my blog were in the UK, not surprising. Many are in the US and after that, there are many other countries all over the world. Again, it doesn’t mean people are reading my blog. It’s just that at some point, this year, people in this country reached the website, whether they ended up reading or not.

map of the world with shades of grey for countries where people were coming from and list of countries with their flags and the number, it's 4k+ for the UK, 700 for the US, 160 for Australia, about the same for Canada, and more countries are mentioned.
Stats for 2023 – the screenshot would be very long if I was showing the whole list of countries – about 50.

What people read

Tube map

The Tube map tutorial post is still way ahead of the rest. As explained last time, I wrote this in November 2019 on Medium and people seemed to really like it. Some contact me to thanks me for it because it helped them creating their own map which is always nice.

I have views nearly every day on the blog, and still have 100 views a week on average on Medium even though I’m not there anymore.

screenshot from Medium with their logo, showing the illustration of the article - the tube map template and colour codes for the lines - the number of view 30K, and the number of read 8.7K
Stats on Medium showing the number of views and reads since November 2019

Other things people read

Lots of people visit the homepage, so I assume they find the link to my blog in one of my social media profiles or my portfolio and from there start reading posts…or not.

This year, the blog post “Ways of working” seemed to resonate with people. I got a few contacts about it and then it’s 2 articles of resources, one about facilitation, the other about power in design and a few tutorials.

I wasn’t too sure about adding recipes to this blog, but this seems to work, lots of people are looking at the “Galette des rois” at the moment, which is a bit early 😉 as it’s a French tradition for the Epiphany. The initial intent for this blog was to have a place to share things, which is why it made sense to add the recipes too.

diagram showing the number of views at the top "Tube map - make you own" 2.4K views, the homepage, 600 views, ways of working 380 views, resources about facilitation 340 views, resources about power in design 260 views and more
Top posts/pages in terms of views for the year 2023

What links people checks

I usually have lots of links in my posts, but people don’t check them that much. Most of the links people do check are about the tutorial explaining how to make a tube map, where I share a template on Github and signpost to the tool I’m using.

Stats, show that 400+ links are github links, among them, most go to the tubemap template,  500+ on, 100 to the Miro template and more.
Number of times where people followed links on my blog for 2023

After links about the tube map tutorial, quite a few links go to GOV.UK resources, which makes sense as this is often what I share in my posts as sources.

Reviewing the categories

I had a “Write-up” and a “Book notes” categories but I’ve merged them into “Summaries”, because I don’t read so many books and when I do, working on the summaries feels like a chore. So apart from the one for “Good Services” I never did further summaries here. I keep my own notes for books which make sense to me but there is probably little value for me to write them up and share these wider.

Blog category

If you are still reading, well done! you are among the very few who seem interested in this category ahahahah! the 4 blog posts about the blog itself are among the lowest number of all-time views.

list of blogpost with the number of views between 38 and 25, and in that list, 4 are highlighted: Making this blog using WordPress - Making the switch from Medium to this blog, How this blog is doing - Subscribe to the blog.
Towards the bottom of the “All-time” views stats