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Career gap / break / pause

Reading Time: 4 minutesI’ve left my last role at the end of July, and since then, I’ve had what some would call a ‘career gap’, or if you are a bit more positive a ‘career break’. I would call it ‘a pause’. This post is about what I’ve been up to and why… Read More »Career gap / break / pause

Ways of working

Reading Time: 8 minutesThis is not a post about Agile ways of working. The title could have been: ‘Oops I did it again’: because yes, I recently resigned. again. This post is about my relationship to work and might be of interest to you if you are considering different ways of working. What… Read More »Ways of working

In between

Reading Time: 3 minutesI’m in this nice phase where I’ve left a role and haven’t started the next one yet. My old laptop is packed, waiting to be picked up by a courier and the new one will arrive this week. At this point in time, I don’t have to worry about the… Read More »In between