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An invisible side of M.E.

Reading Time: 10 minutesI rarely talk about it. It’s the first time I write about it. It’s not secret though, if asked directly, I’ll say it: I have M.E. also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS/ME. Most people don’t know what this means, including many GPs and other health practitioners and some… Read More »An invisible side of M.E.

How this blog is doing

  • Blog

Reading Time: 7 minutesLooking back since I started it in January 2020 when I moved away from Medium. Not much lately The last post was from May. So yes, I don’t write here regularly. But the last months have been really busy, I’ve changed job and I don’t only write here. I’m one… Read More »How this blog is doing

How to start working for the government and the public sector

Reading Time: 5 minutes

There is a lot of recruitment going on at the moment for the Public Sector: Service Designers, User Researchers, Content Designers and Interaction Designers.

This is good! But they are struggling to get people because they want candidates with previous experience in the government. Or what recruiters and hiring managers often call “GDS experience” when in fact what they mean is more like “experience of the Service Toolkit“.

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How to grow as a designer

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Looking at job ads, your value is usually judged by number of years on the job + tools you know and have experience with, but really… it should not be.

collage with UX Glasgow logo, photo of piles of book, sharpies, people chatting during a meet up, screenshot of a confirmation of order on Eventbrite, my journey professional journey as a tubemap  and a certificate from the Interaction Design Foundation
My own journey, meet-ups, various events, books and online courses – photo from UX Glasgow meet-up session pre-covid
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Assess a service

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I’m building a little tool with the GOV.UK prototype kit and assessment frameworks shared publicly. It’s under construction. [edit Feb 2025: I’ve now stopped hosting that website, you can still see the code but won’t be able to access the website.]

4 mini screens to illustrate the flow
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Is my website accessible?

Reading Time: 11 minutes

Well, if you are asking, it probably isn’t. Accessibility is usually not that hard to achieve but you must have this in mind while creating your website, not as an after thought.

This post is for people who are new to digital accessibility and want to learn how to improve it.

screenshot of the website . There is text, drawings pictures everywhere, very flashy colours, different fonts, everything is competing for your attention
Example of a terrible website. You can see for yourself warning: flashing colours, sounds, animations and more …
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