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Avoiding misconceptions on your accessibility learning journey

Reading Time: 11 minutesAccessibility is progressing but not as fast as it should. Using my own learning journey, I’ll tell you about 7 misconceptions which might prevent you from improving the accessibility of your design. This blog post is a summary of a talk I delivered at the UCD Gathering Conference. The recording… Read More »Avoiding misconceptions on your accessibility learning journey

Keeping accessibility in mind

Reading Time: 6 minutesAs Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) is coming up on May 19th, it’s a good reminder that we should always keep accessibility in mind. I’m a service designer working on government projects so I need to comply with the service standard my projects fall under: the GOV.UK one or the Scottish Government one called Digital… Read More »Keeping accessibility in mind

Advice for speakers

Reading Time: 5 minutesI’ve just finished catching up with many talks from the SDinGOV Conference. So here are some thoughts on what made a speaker better than another for me. Note: This is only my point of view. I attend a lot of events (all of them online since 2020), I don’t have… Read More »Advice for speakers

An invisible side of M.E.

Reading Time: 10 minutesI rarely talk about it. It’s the first time I write about it. It’s not secret though, if asked directly, I’ll say it: I have M.E. also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS/ME. Most people don’t know what this means, including many GPs and other health practitioners and some… Read More »An invisible side of M.E.

Is my website accessible?

Reading Time: 11 minutes

Well, if you are asking, it probably isn’t. Accessibility is usually not that hard to achieve but you must have this in mind while creating your website, not as an after thought.

This post is for people who are new to digital accessibility and want to learn how to improve it.

screenshot of the website . There is text, drawings pictures everywhere, very flashy colours, different fonts, everything is competing for your attention
Example of a terrible website. You can see for yourself warning: flashing colours, sounds, animations and more …
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