Ice cream base (recipe)
This is something I used to do at kids parties: do your own ice cream.
No need for a fancy machine, just two ingredients.

This is something I used to do at kids parties: do your own ice cream.
No need for a fancy machine, just two ingredients.
Communities are vital in times of crisis. This is where people found their own solutions to help each others at the start of the COVID19 pandemic, way before public services could do anything for the citizens.
We need to engage with them but we need to do it the right way.
The idea: developing a website where people can fill in forms which look like the real ones but simplified to learn and become more confident. This is Jumana Almusawi‘s idea: she contacted me about it back in February on LinkedIn.
A lot has happen since my last blog post about this. Work is nearly completed and we tested with learners on Zoom recently.
Read More »Improving digital skills – a tool using the GOV.UK prototype kit – part 2I’ve gathered these notes a while ago after reading it. I will start to put my notes from books (or recorded talks for example), as blog posts for me, but also, to be able to share with people who don’t have time to read.
Read More »Good Services – Book notesA green doughnut started a big reflection this morning. This wasn’t on my to do list for today.
Lately, I’m doing a lot outside work, all super interesting but all competing for my time. A little bit of all this has always been there but it’s growing a lot lately.
We have a lot of dandelions in the garden, and I thought I’d give Dandelion honey a try.
About 1 in 7 people in Scotland can’t get online. This is about 800,000 people (more data at the end).
Read More »Improving digital skills – building a tool with the GOV.UK prototype kitThese days, you need to make every bag of yeast count! So here is an easy recipe for Hazelnut bread.
This article is aimed at people who would like to try using the Prototype kit but are unsure how to do that. You might need a bit of help if you have never used a command window or if you are new to HTML or CSS. You can bookmark this link to W3Schools in that case for HTML and CSS or this link for basic commands.
Read More »How to customise the GOV.UK Prototype kitI chose to create this blog instead of using Medium (and explained it in a previous post) to be more in control, and to provide a better experience for the readers.
Read More »Making this blog using WordPress – Behind the scenes